Stranded on Earth, charming alien prince Kian finds a spark with amnesia-stricken Lila. But their budding romance is threatened by a hidden rebellion and a mysterious power awakening within Lila. As she uncovers her past and discovers a unique gift, Lila must navigate a dangerous new world and fight for a future with Kian.
This story is about overcoming loneliness, embracing the power of friendship, and discovering oneself while embracing one’s legacy through love.
Trapped on Earth with a rebel faction, Zayn, a Zantorian bodyguard, grapples with a newfound freedom and a yearning for purpose. Amara, a fierce warrior raised in secret, wrestles with self-doubt as she falls for Zayn. But destiny has a plan, and their connection blossoms with Princess Lila's help.
This is a story of overcoming insecurity, embracing heritage, and fighting for love, all while navigating the life of an alien refugee on a foreign planet.
Captain Bren Sigourney, a strong and decisive Xi'ana pilot, arrives on Earth to rescue the Prince and a few of their people who crashed on Earth nearly twenty years ago. Only to discover her mission isn’t a rescue for her people but her dying planet. She is left with no choice but to help find the hidden stone whispered about in legend.
Dax, Prince Kian's advisor, feels an inexplicable pull towards the stoic Captain. As they work together to decipher cryptic clues and navigate the dangers of the storm-ravaged Weaver University in the small town of Vega Nova, Texas, an undeniable connection sparks between them. But Sigourney, burdened by duty, wrestles with her newfound feelings.
Can Bren and Dax trust her? Together, they must overcome their differences, confront a cunning enemy, and unlock the secrets of the stone before it's too late.
Unexpected Duty is a thrilling tale of love, sacrifice, and the power of unity.